Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Aid For Home Buyers with Low Credit Scores

These days, homebuyers need a minimum 620 credit score to qualify for a home loan. However, folks with scores that aren't up to snuff don't have to kiss their dreams of home ownership goodbye. We're partnering with Wilmington-based American Credit Resolutions to help home buyers boost low credit scores.

"They were recommended to a client of mine and he went from a 570 credit score to over 620 in less than 10 days. I don't know how, but they did it and my client enjoyed working with them," said Sea Coast Realty associate Sherri Pickard referring to the credit clean-up team. Other associates praised American Credit Resolutions' quick results too.

American Credit Resolutions managing partner Dwayne Furmidge says that a "do-it-yourself" approach is the best way to solve credit problems. "However, there is a learning curve for most Americans and many make costly mistakes in the process," he says. Furmidge and his team put their years of experience to work, handling the often tedious process of resolving credit issues on behalf of their customers.

"Clients with small issues may be completed the same day," said Dwayne Furmidge, Managing Partner of American Credit Resolutions. "Clients with major issues may take longer." He says that the average credit clean up takes four months.

He warns consumers against working with credit repair companies that charge exorbitant fees and non-profit agencies that creditors sometimes pay to stretch out the credit repair process. The fees for American Credit Resolutions services vary depending on the issues, but the price for the average four month clean-up would cost $545.95 - a price many consider worthwhile when low credit scores stand between them and the dream of home ownership.

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